South African Chamber of Commerce (UK)

Business & Community Awards 2018

"Outstanding efforts deserve reward and recognition"


With thanks to our sponsors:
The South African Chamber of Commerce invited nominations for well-deserved efforts in business and the community. We celebrated the achievements at the Annual Awards evening in the The Conservatory, Millennium Gloucester Hotel, Harrington Gardens. London, SW7 4LH, where we sipped bubbly and watched the evening sunset.

The Chamber offered network and sponsor opportunities to those who wished to position their companies, generate awareness, gain media exposure, respect and recognition while providing support and recognition to new comers in the market.

This year we increased our Award Categories to 10 to broaden the range and offer more to both the business and the community.

The Awards recognise 10 achievers ranging from individuals who have made a difference in the small business sector or their community, the efforts made by those in the Charitable and Giving Back arenas and to those in the corporate business sector who have added value.

Nominees and Finalists were celebrated in the run up to the event and the SA Chamber will provide a media platform to winners and their sponsors to promote their businesses during the forthcoming year.

The Chamber offered a new level and wide range of sponsorship opportunities to companies who wished to maintain their competitive edge, credibility, and visibility whilst showing their support in a highly competitive market.

Our members had preference over certain sponsorship slots but those who won the Gold and Silver Award sponsorship all got visibility and media coverage thoughout 2018 on our website and other social and press media.

Key Speaker

Sir Nicholas Stadlen

Who is he:

Sir Nicholas Stadlen, UK High Court Judge now retired, has been involved in many high-profile cases. He presided over the 12-year Bank of England case where he completed the longest speech in legal history for which he has become famous.

Why are we interested:

He has interviewed world famous politicians, a visiting fellow of St Antony's College Oxford, and has written a book on the Rivonia Trail which is now a feature film due for release this year.

What he shared:

He shared with us what really happened behind the scenes of that trial of the 10 now prominent South Africans, and particularly the lessons we today can learn - because of what they stood for then.

(Tickets to a private viewing of the film will be auctioned on the night).



Venue: The Conservatory, Millennium Gloucester Hotel, Harrington Gardens. London, SW7 4LH


Date: Wednesday, 16th May 2018

Time: Doors open 18:00 - Carriages 22:30

Dress: Business Attire/Traditional Dress

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